Advanced Summer School 2011: Interrogations at the Biointerface

INEB (Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica), University of Porto, IPATIMUP (Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto) and IBEC (Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya, Barcelona) have decided to organize a series of Advanced Summer Schools under the general theme of Interrogations at the Biointerface.
The Summer schools have duration of five days and include lectures and hands-on lab sessions. They will run alternatively in Porto and Barcelona.
INEB and IPATIMUP are hosting the 1st Advanced Summer School of the series that will focus on the Cancer/Regeneration Interface and be held in Porto from the 20th to the 24th of June 2011.
Participation will be credited according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).
A previous series of advanced courses run by INEB was held also at this time of the year. The general theme was Cell-Biomaterial Interactions and over 100 participants from ca. 12 countries attended each course. Distinctive features of these courses were: top-notch scientists, mainly from Europe and the United States, were invited as guest speakers; two days of hands-on lab sessions on advanced laboratory techniques were organized for a limited number of participants (ca. 20); the targeted audience were PhD students and post-Docs; posters presented by students were discussed in detail with faculty members, who stayed for the first three days.



Laboratory sessions will be available for a limited number of participants. Participants can select between the following topics:
TOPIC A: Cancer stem cell invasion: looking to cell motility and matrix metalloprotease activity.
TOPIC B: Stem cell-based regeneration: tracking cell-fate on the experimental model-system paradigm.