In Portugal the scientists were called on stage to celebrate the Researchers' Night, a European Financially supported project, through theatre and performing arts. The partners of this initiative, OSC included, invited scientists to participate in a surprising experience and to communicate with the public in an unexpected way, through the arts allowing the scientists to express themselves and their work. The artistic performances were complemented with interactive activities, from small experiments and demos for youngsters, to speed-dating sessions with scientists, thematic science cafés/bars or visits to the University of Porto museums.The IBMC is involved in this event since 2008. Last year's event website is available at:
Researchers Night
The "Biomaterials Resources on the Internet WebPage" was created in May 1998 and has considerably changed since then. In February 2000 it has become the Biomaterials Network, changing from the original collection of WWW links to an interactive source of information, where users can actively participate and communicate with each other. Membership to is free, and members can browse all of without charge. Since 2002, was selected for Current Web Contents, from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). At present, also manages the contents and upgrades de website of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), as a service is aimed at linking the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering community worldwide. This site provides updated news in the field, delivered through a monthly newsletter, and also a collection of selected internet links related to Biomaterials Science and Tissue Engineering, as well as relevant links to biomedical engineering, biology, medicine and health sciences in general. facilities additionally include a glossary of related terms, a discussion forum, a job exchange section, and the Directory of members, where research expertise can be searched.Mission statement The major goals of consist in:Providing an organized and meaningful Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering communication resource for scientists, researchers, members of the business community, government, academia, and the general public.Acting as a resource center to disclose news, resources, organizations, research activity, educational initiatives, scientific events, journals, books, funding opportunities, industrial developments, market analyzes, jobs and every other initiative related to biomaterials science and associated fields.
A água no corpo humano - o sangue Exhibition
The Centro de Ciência Viva from Vila do Conde together with IBMC•INEB and Instituto Português do Sangue developed an interactive exhibition about the blood. In this exhibition the pathway simulates a blood vessel and is divided in three main subjects: composition and blood function, bloodstream and the health and the blood. You can visit this exhibition at CCVVC. MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS EXHIBITION