Science and Society Projects
  • Residências

    The IBMC•INEB has supported artist residencies in laboratories. So far we had two resident artists. Maria Manuela Lopes at IBMC with the project CAGE-SSI (Cell Activation and Gene Expression – Site Specific Instalation) and Soraya Vasconcelos at INEB with the project PINOCCHIO. Maria Manuela Lopes  CAGE SSI project | Soraya Vasconcelos PINOCCHIO Rede de Residências: Experimentação Arte | Ciência e Tecnologia was born from a partnership between Ciência Viva, Instituto das Artes and Ministério da Cultura. This programme aims to encourage artistic creation and dissemination of knowledge between scientists and artists. Seven science research institutions are currently integrated in the Rede de Residências. Within this network, artists are invited to develop experimental and multidisciplinary projects with tools and processes usually used in scientific research.The projects can be developed in areas such as architecture, visual arts, dance, design, music and theatre and can last up to six months. During the residency period each artist is guided by a scientist in order to acquaint him/her with the necessary scientific procedures.The Associate Laboratory IBMC.INEB belongs to this residency network. At IBMC, the artist Maria Manuela Lopes has developed the CAGE SSI project and at INEB, Soraya Vasconcelos developed a piece named PINOCCHIO ( 

  • hYbrid

    The hYbrid project is a platform for sharing thoughts on Science and Art issues. Amongst the wide diversity of Science and Art collaborative projects, hYbrid centres its interests on Life Sciences projects. Therefore, hYbrid hopes to highlight a broad range of Science and Art collaborative projects, raising different issues, approaches and disciplines by gathering information on events, exhibitions, essays, and other relevant information.  The hYbrid project was created by the Office for Science Communication (OSC) at the Associate Laboratory IBMC.INEB in January 2008.The hYbrid project is a platform for sharing thoughts on Science and Art connections and mismatches.Amongst the wide variety of Science and Art collaborative projects, hYbrid will centre its interests on those projects that focus in the Life Sciences.Therefore, hYbrid hopes to highlight a broad range of Science and Art collaborative projects, raising different issues, approaches and disciplines by gathering information on events, exhibitions, essays, and other relevant information.On the whole, hYbrid hopes to give a dynamic and fresh perspective of Science and Art.

  • The Human (R)evolution

    The Human (R)evolution project is a science and art project that embraces personal and public issues concerning body politics and evolutionary biology. It consists of a period of research, which will inform the development of a live performance installation, a publication and a DVD.The research includes filmed/audio interviews with feminists/scientists working with evolutionary theory. These interviews were concluded and currently are being transcribed. The aim of the research and project development will be to stimulate interest in the revolutionary alliance between biology and body politics. 
