Interrogations at the Biointerface: The self-renewal/differentiation interface

We are delighted to announce the IBEC/INEB/IPATIMUP  "Interrogations at the BioInterface" Advanced Summer School, the second in an ongoing series, which this year will focus on the topic of "The self-renewal/ differentiation interface". It will take place in Barcelona on 25th-29th June 2012 and will be hosted by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).

The Advanced Summer School lasts five days and comprises two days of lab sessions and three days of lectures.
Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th June: two days of hands-on sessions on advanced experimental techniques. PhD students and postdocs in the early stages of their career are encouraged to apply for the limited places on these sessions.
Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Friday 29th June: Inspiring lectures by world-leading scientists, open to researchers at all career stages. Lectures take place in an informal environment and attendees are encouraged to contribute challenging questions and possible case studies. Plenty of discussion time is scheduled to delve into these, with poster sessions, coffee breaks and an active social programme.



Participation will be credited according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Who can participate? The Advanced Summer School is open to PhD students and scientists interested in biomedical engineering approaches to stem cell research and regenerative medicine.