SUMMER SCHOOL NN2012: Neural Networks in classification, regression and data mining

We are pleased to inform registrations are now open for NN2012, the 8th edition of the Summer School on Neural Networks, jointly organized by INEB and the School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP).

The Summer School on Neural Networks, NN2012, will be held at Porto, Portugal, jointly organized by the Biomedical Engineering Institute (INEB) and the School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP), with the collaboration of LEMA and GECAD.


This year edition, NN2012 , includes lectures addressing new advances both in NN paradigms and in applications.

Neural networks (NN) have become a very important tool in classification and regression tasks. The applications are nowadays abundant, e.g. in the engineering, economy and biology areas. The Summer School on NN is dedicated to explain relevant NN paradigms, namely multilayer perceptrons (MLP), radial basis function networks (RBF) and support vector machines (SVM) used for classification and regression tasks, illustrated with applications to real data. Specific topics are also presented, namely Recurrent NN, Deep Neural Networks, Complex-valued NN, Entropic NN and Data Mining using NN.

Classes include practical sessions with appropriate software tools. The trainee has, therefore, the opportunity to apply the taught concepts and become conversant with a broad range of NN topics and applications.

A special poster session will also provide a discussion forum where the participants can obtain peer guidance for their projects.