BiotechHealth – Applications Open

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN:  3 - 27 June 2013 

BiotechHealth is a PhD programme jointly organized by two schools of the University of Porto (ICBAS-UP and FFUP), four research institutions (INEB, IBMC, IPATIMUP and REQUIMTE) and one hospital (the Hospital Centre of Porto). It aims to provide excellence in doctoral training in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology applied to Health Sciences, in an interdisciplinary and international environment, fostering collaboration between internationally recognized research groups, hospitals and industrial companies.

National or international candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria can apply online between 3 and 27 of June, 2013.  
BiotechHealth will accept up to 15 students per year (8 grants will be available in 2014 under the FCT PhD Programme).

For more information on the Programme and the application procedure please visit or contact

The BiotechHealth PhD Program will be funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.